What is it?

Created at ShellHacks hackathon 2023, is a S&P500 company sustainability analysis platform. The goal of is to provide a better alternative to gauge companies enviromental and social impact. Although commonly used, ESG scores are largely arbitrary and have no quantitative backing for its metrics. Instead, we decided to create our own scoring system, and platform to view large corporation’s sustainability efforts.

How does it work? is built using a MERN stack. The data was collected using a mix of webscraping with BeautifulSoup, API querying, and reading through company reports. To display the data, we styled the frontend with Tailwind CSS and used Chart.js to create a dynamic radar chart.

How can I use it?

The repository for the project is public on Github and you find instructions for running it locally there. Once running the webapp, you can search companies by name, or stock ticker. There is also a rankings table where you can sort by any availble metric.